Mozilla Labs Design Challenge | Resources

noviembre 10, 2009


As part of the inaugural Design Challenge: Spring 09 we produced a series of tutorial videos about user interface design, prototyping and Firefox extension development. All videos are available in open Ogg Theora format, Quicktime format and as a Vimeo stream.

Design Focused

Interaction Seduction

Designing for Mobile

Open Source Design, Mozilla and You

Design or Die – Innovation, UCD, Web and Life

Development Focused

Extension Bootcamp: Zero to Hello World! in 45 Minutes

Stupid/Awesome Extension Development Hacks

Making Prototypes with Canvas

Making Prototypes with jQuery

Engineering Prototypes

Ship It (or: Coffee is for Closers)

desdeMozilla Labs Design Challenge | Resources.

Mozilla Labs Jetpack | Exploring new ways to extend and personalize the Web

noviembre 9, 2009

Mozilla Labs Jetpack | Exploring new ways to extend and personalize the Web.

Jetpack es una aplicación qué permite desarrollar aplicaciones sobre Firefox.


Jetpack is a newly formed experiment in using open Web technologies to enhance the browser, with the goal of allowing anyone who can build a Web site to participate in making the Web a better place to work, communicate and play.

In short, Jetpack is an API for allowing you to write Firefox add-ons using the web technologies you already know.

As with all Labs experiments, Jetpack is an open source project and everyone is welcome to participate in its design, development and testing.

Links a video sobre el tema: