Redalyc – La hemeroteca científica. Revista Nueva Antropología

abril 6, 2010

Revista Nueva Antropología México Antropología ISSN Impreso:0185-0636 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoRevista Nueva Antropología

vía Redalyc – La hemeroteca científica. Revista Nueva Antropología.

OpenURL ContextObject in SPAN COinS

enero 8, 2010

OpenURL COinS: A Convention to Embed Bibliographic Metadata in HTML

stable version 1.0


COinS ContextObjects in Spans is a simple, ad hoc community specification for publishing OpenURL references in HTML.


Main Page

1. Introduction

2. Specification : OpenURL ContextObject in SPAN COinS- Embedding Citation Metadata in HTML

3. Discussion : How to use COinS in HTML

4. Details 1. Empty SPANs. 2. Why «Z3988»? 3. What is a ContextObject? 4. Choosing the type of ContextObject for Compatibility.5. XHTML6. why the span element? 7. why class and title attributes?

5. Implementations 1. Embedding Sites 2. COinS Processors 3. Other Software support for COinS

6. Links

7. Notes

Using COinS to Provide OpenURL links COinS Generator Brief Guide to Implementing ContextObjects for Journal Articles Brief Guide to Implementing ContextObjects for Books

desdeOpenURL ContextObject in SPAN COinS.

YouTube – Wikis in Plain English

octubre 15, 2009

Comienzo la planeación para desarrollar los proyectos sobre wikis. De la web podemos encontrar esta serie de videos didácticos y faciles de comprender.

En este caso el tema de las wikis.

YouTube – Wikis in Plain English.

Mas videos en la dirección de Leefever


May 1, 2009


Instructions for Authors

The Journal of Applied Research & Technology (JART) is indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded and it is published three times a year. High quality original papers on innovative applications of science, development of new technologies or efficient engineering solutions are welcomed.

Each submitted paper is subject to meticulous review procedure performed by three independent anonymous referees appointed and coordinated by the Editor-in-Chief. Their comments are communicated to the author in order to help him to improve the article and at the same time are forming the base of the publication decision made.

The process of the article submission and its consequent evaluation as well as the communication among the Authors, Referees, Editorial Board and Editort-in-Chief, as well as with JART Staff, is highly automated by using online Internet services.

Nevertheless the whole editing could take up to six months without considering the publishing process. To avoid delay in processing your paper, please be guided by the following guidelines for the Manuscript preparation as well use the electonic templates that are available at

The processes for editing and publishing in JART are divided into two phases: Phase 1 that consists in sending the manuscript by the Author(s) and the consequent process of its review, improvement and acceptation or rejection, and Phase 2 dedicated to the publication procedures of the accepted paper.


Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

abril 16, 2009

What’s New?

The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication’s current issue, JCMC 13(1), is the last new issue that will appear on this website. For the past year, JCMC has been available both here and via Blackwell Synergy. Starting in January 2008, new issues will be published only on the Synergy site. The journal’s format will continue to be open access, according to the International Communication Association. Also, on January 1, 2008, Kevin Wright of the University of Oklahoma assumed editorial responsibility for the journal. Please direct all JCMC-related correspondence to him at jcmc @

Note: All JCMC manuscript submissions, resubmissions, and reviews will continue to be processed through For more information, see the JCMC guidelines for how to submit a manuscript.

The October 2007 issue brings together another exciting collection of cutting-edge CMC research. The articles in the first half provide scholarly takes on everything from «beeping» on mobile phones to Creative Commons copyright licenses to political blog credibility to the validity of data from the Wayback Machine, as well as new perspectives on issues of perennial concern such as workplace interruption and flaming via CMC. The second half of the issue is devoted to a special theme section on Social Network Sites, guest edited by danah boyd and Nicole Ellison. To our knowledge, this is the first published collection of research into this popular new phenomenon.

desdeJournal of Computer-Mediated Communication.

Google Web Toolkit – Google Code

abril 1, 2009

Creación de aplicaciones AJAX más rápida que la manual
Actualmente, la creación de aplicaciones web resulta un proceso pesado y propenso a errores. Los desarrolladores pueden pasar el 90% de su tiempo estudiando las peculiaridades de los navegadores. Por otra parte, la creación, la reutilización y el mantenimiento de una gran cantidad de componentes AJAX y bases de código JavaScript pueden ser tareas complejas y delicadas. Google Web Toolkit (GWT) facilita estas arduas tareas al ofrecer a los desarrolladores la posibilidad de crear y mantener rápidamente aplicaciones JavaScript con interfaces complejas, pero de gran rendimiento, en el lenguaje de programación Java.

Google Web Toolkit – Google Code.

PLoS ONE : accelerating the publication of peer-reviewed science

marzo 22, 2009

1. About PLoS ONE

Scientific progress requires the exchange and discussion of data and ideas. PLoS ONE is a unique publication dedicated to presenting the results of scientific research from any scientific discipline in an open-access environment. At the same time, it provides a forum in which to discuss that scientific research and so provide for each and every paper its maximum possible impact. To achieve this, PLoS ONE combines traditional peer review with ‘Web 2.0’ tools to facilitate community evaluation and discourse around the published article.

To provide open access, PLoS journals use a business model in which our expenses—including those of peer review, journal production, and online hosting and archiving—are recovered in part by charging a publication fee to the authors or research sponsors for each article they publish. For PLoS ONE the publication fee is US$1300. Authors who are affiliated with one of our Institutional Members are eligible for a discount on this fee.

Publish in PLoS ONE?

Widely disseminated and cited results—with no access restrictions!

Open access means that your work will always be freely available to the world from our Web site and from PubMed Central. And open access translates into greater usage and more citations.

Results published FAST

PLoS ONE couples efficient and objective peer review with a streamlined electronic production workflow.

Start of a conversation

Papers published in PLoS ONE will be available for commenting and debate by the readers, making every paper the start of a scientific conversation.

Inclusive scope

Most conventional journals publish papers from tightly defined subject areas, making it more difficult for readers from other disciplines to read them. PLoS ONE has no such barriers, which helps your research reach the entire scientific community.

Criteria for Publication

To be accepted for publication in PLoS ONE, research articles must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. The study presents the results of primary scientific research.
  2. Results reported have not been published elsewhere.
  3. Experiments, statistics, and other analyses are performed to a high technical standard and are described in sufficient detail.
  4. Conclusions are presented in an appropriate fashion and are supported by the data.
  5. The article is presented in an intelligible fashion and is written in standard English.
  6. The research meets all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity.
  7. The article adheres to appropriate reporting guidelines (e.g. CONSORT, MIAME, STROBE, EQUATOR) and community standards for data availability.

Overview of the Editorial Process

There are several types of decisions possible:

  • Accept in principle
  • Minor revision
  • Major revision
  • Reject

Organization of the Manuscript

Most articles published in PLoS ONE are organized in one of three fashions:

  • Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Introduction, Results, Discussion, Materials and Methods, Acknowledgments, References, Figure Legends, and Tables.
  • Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Figure Legends, and Tables.
  • Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Introduction, Analysis, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Figure Legends, and Tables.

We advise that abstracts should not exceed 250–300 words. There are no specific length restrictions for the remaining sections of the manuscript; however, we urge authors to present and discuss their findings concisely.

Download templates:

Title (150 characters or fewer)

The title should be specific to the project, yet concise. It should be comprehensible to readers outside your field. Avoid specialist abbreviations, if possible. Titles should be presented in title case, meaning that all words except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions should be capitalized.

Detection of Specific Sequences among DNA Fragments Separated by Gel Electrophoresis

During the online submission process, you will also provide a brief «running head» of fewer than 30 characters.

Authors and Affiliations

Provide the first names or initials (if used), middle names or initials (if used), surnames, and affiliations—department, university or organization, city, state/province (if applicable), and country—for all authors. One of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to ensure that the author list, and the summary of the author contributions to the study are accurate and complete. If the article has been submitted on behalf of a consortium, all author names and affiliations should be listed at the end of the article.


The abstract succinctly introduces the paper. We advise that it should not exceed 250 – 300 words. It should mention the techniques used without going into methodological detail and should summarize the most important results. The abstract is conceptually divided into the following three sections: Background, Methodology/Principal Findings, and Conclusions/Significance. Please do not include any citations in the abstract. Avoid specialist abbreviations if possible.


Registration details should be included when reporting results of a clinical trial (see «Reporting Clinical Trials» for details). For each location that your trial is registered, please list: name of registry, registry number, and URL of your trial in the registry database.


The introduction should put the focus of the manuscript into a broader context. As you compose the introduction, think of readers who are not experts in this field. Include a brief review of the key literature. If there are relevant controversies or disagreements in the field, they should be mentioned so that a non-expert reader can delve into these issues further. The introduction should conclude with a brief statement of the overall aim of the experiments and a comment about whether that aim was achieved.


The results section should provide details of all of the experiments that are required to support the conclusions of the paper. There is no specific word limit for this section. The section may be divided into subsections, each with a concise subheading. Large datasets, including raw data, should be submitted as supporting information files; these are published online alongside the accepted article. We advise that the results section be written in past tense.


The discussion should spell out the major conclusions of the work along with some explanation or speculation on the significance of these conclusions. How do the conclusions affect the existing assumptions and models in the field? How can future research build on these observations? What are the key experiments that must be done? The discussion should be concise and tightly argued. Conclusions firmly established by the presented data, hypotheses supported by the presented data, and speculations suggested by the presented data should be clearly identified as such. The results and discussion may be combined into one section, if desired.

Materials and Methods

This section should provide enough detail to allow full replication of the study by suitably skilled investigators. Protocols for new methods should be included, but well-established protocols may simply be referenced. We encourage authors to submit, as separate supporting information files, detailed protocols for newer or less well-established methods. These are published online only, but are linked to the article and are fully searchable.


Details of the funding sources that have supported the work should be confined to the funding statement provided in the online submission system. Do not include them in the acknowledgments.


Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list. Meetings abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. Limited citation of unpublished work should be included in the body of the text only. All personal communications should be supported by a letter from the relevant authors.

Mac users, hold down «Option» key and click the link to download the file to your computer.

Overview of the Production Process

Prior to submission, authors who believe their manuscripts would benefit from professional editing are encouraged to use language-editing and copyediting services, such as the ones described on the following Web sites. PLoS does not take responsibility for or endorse these services, and their use has no bearing on acceptance of a manuscript for publication.

Before formal acceptance, the manuscript will be checked by PLoS staff to ensure that it complies with all essential format requirements. The authors’ files are then carefully tagged to generate XML and PDF files, but will not be subject to detailed copyediting. Obtaining this service is the responsibility of the author.

Scientific Editing Services (in alphabetical order):

PLoS ONE : accelerating the publication of peer-reviewed science.

Maps of Knowledge

marzo 22, 2009

Clickstream Data Yields High-Resolution Maps of Science

Johan Bollen1*, Herbert Van de Sompel1, Aric Hagberg2#, Luis Bettencourt2,3#, Ryan Chute1#, Marko A. Rodriguez2, Lyudmila Balakireva1

1 Digital Library Research and Prototyping Team, Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States of America, 2 Theoretical Division, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Group, and Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States of America, 3 Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States of America



Intricate maps of science have been created from citation data to visualize the structure of scientific activity. However, most scientific publications are now accessed online. Scholarly web portals record detailed log data at a scale that exceeds the number of all existing citations combined. Such log data is recorded immediately upon publication and keeps track of the sequences of user requests (clickstreams) that are issued by a variety of users across many different domains. Given these advantages of log datasets over citation data, we investigate whether they can produce high-resolution, more current maps of science.


Over the course of 2007 and 2008, we collected nearly 1 billion user interactions recorded by the scholarly web portals of some of the most significant publishers, aggregators and institutional consortia. The resulting reference data set covers a significant part of world-wide use of scholarly web portals in 2006, and provides a balanced coverage of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. A journal clickstream model, i.e. a first-order Markov chain, was extracted from the sequences of user interactions in the logs. The clickstream model was validated by comparing it to the Getty Research Institute’s Architecture and Art Thesaurus. The resulting model was visualized as a journal network that outlines the relationships between various scientific domains and clarifies the connection of the social sciences and humanities to the natural sciences.


Maps of science resulting from large-scale clickstream data provide a detailed, contemporary view of scientific activity and correct the underrepresentation of the social sciences and humanities that is commonly found in citation data.

The Technium: Maps of Knowledge.

The Protégé Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition System

marzo 12, 2009

The Protégé Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition System.

Protégé is a free, open source ontology editor and knowledge-base framework.

The Protégé platform supports two main ways of modeling ontologies via the Protégé-Frames and Protégé-OWL editors. Protégé ontologies can be exported into a variety of formats including RDF(S), OWL, and XML Schema. (more)

Protégé is based on Java, is extensible, and provides a plug-and-play environment that makes it a flexible base for rapid prototyping and application development. (more)


Ontology Development 101 – general ontology development guidelines, helpful hints, etc.
Protégé multi-user mode – setup and use of the multi-user client/server capabilities
Collaborative Protégé – a Protégé extension to support collaborative ontology development
WebProtégé – a lightweight web-based version of the Protégé ontology editor
Graph Widget





Protege Ontology Library!

This page is organized into the following groupings:

If your ontology is available in multiple formats, please feel free to link to it from multiple sections.

Library examples:

More links here

Protégé conferences
The 11th International Protégé Conference will be held June 23-26, 2009 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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Journal. The Information Society

marzo 9, 2009

A reviewer at the National Institutes of Healt...
Image via Wikipedia

The Information Society.

The Information Society (TIS) journal, published since 1981, is a key critical forum for leading edge analysis of the impacts, policies, system concepts, and methodologies related to information technologies and changes in society and culture. Some of the key information technologies include computers and telecommunications; the sites of social change include homelife, workplaces, schools, communities and diverse organizations, as well as new social forms in cyberspace.

TIS is a refereed journal that publishes scholarly articles, position papers, debates, short communications and book reviews. TIS is published by Taylor & Francis, who has a long tradition of publishing fine journals.

Instructions for Authors

Submit your manuscript
The Information Society (TIS) is a multidisciplinary refereed journal that provides a forum for thoughtful commentary and discussion of information technology and social change and information policy. It serves as a key critical forum for leading edge analysis of the impacts, policies, system concepts, methodologies related to information technologies and changes in society and culture. Some of the key information technologies include computers and telecommunications; the sites of social change include homelife, workplaces, schools, communities and diverse organizations, as well as new social forms in cyberspace. The journal appeals to scientists, scholars and policymakers in government, education, and industry.

TIS’s articles are typically 8,000-10,000 words long, and are written vividly with coherent analyses and minimal jargon. TIS also publishes shorter «position statements» of up to 4,000 words and debates in a section, called «The Forum.» You can assume that TIS’s readers are familiar with many of the debates and studies of information policy and information technology and social change. They would be interested in reading your article if it helps advance the leading edge studies and discussions. The research literature about these topics is moving rapidly and published in diverse outlets. It helps if you relate your article to recent relevant articles published in TIS (see our bibliography for titles and links to abstracts.)

You can contact the Editor-in-Chief Harmeet Sawhney to discuss your ideas for possible articles or special issues of the journal.

Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form to the Managing Editor at

Review Process
Your article will be previewed in the editorial office for its quality and suitability for publication in The Information Society (TIS). If your article appears to be a work that our readers would be eager to read, it will be sent to an Associate Editor who belongs to TIS’ editorial board to manage the review. You can correspond directly with the Associate Editor who is managing the review of your article about its status and the nature of any changes required for publication.

Taylor & Francis will do everything possible to ensure prompt publication. Therefore, it is required that each submitted manuscript be in complete form. Please take the time to check all references, figures, tables, and text for errors before submission.

Manuscripts will be accepted with the understanding that their content is unpublished and not being submitted for publication elsewhere. All parts of the manuscript, including the title page, abstract, tables, and legends, should be type-written double-spaced on one side of white bond in English. Allow margins of at least 1 in. (3 cm) on all sides of the typed pages. Number manuscript pages consecutively throughout the paper.

Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form to the Managing Editor in Word or WordPerfect formats. Please do not binhex materials that you are sending to us.

Because of macro viruses, please virus check your document written with Microsoft Word. For authors using Microsoft Word, a preventive software patch is available from Microsoft.

All titles should be as brief as possible, 6 to 12 words. Authors should also supply a shortened version of the title suitable for the running head, not exceeding 50 character spaces.

Include full names of authors, academic and/or other professional affiliations, and the complete mailing address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent on the title page. Please include your email address and the URL of your home page (if you have one).

Be sure to date the manuscript and any copies of the same draft. Dated manuscripts help distinguish original drafts from revisions, and facilitates the editorial process of review.

Each article should be summarized in an abstract of not more than 150 words. Avoid abbreviations, diagrams, and reference to the text.

Authors must supply from three to ten key words or phrases that identify the most important subjects covered by the paper.

Running Head
Authors should supply a short version of the title suitable for the running head, not exceeding 50 character spaces.

All references should be listed alphabetically at the end of every paper. In the text, references should be cited by author’s last name, year of publication, and page in parentheses.

Journal example:

Buchanan, Thomas. 1985. Commitment and Leisure Behavior: A Theoretical Perspective. Leisure Sciences 7(4):401-420.

Book example:

Kelly, John R. 1982. Leisure. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Multiple authors and editors examples:

Jeong, K. and J. King. 1997. Korea’s national information infrastructure: Vision and issues. In National Information Infrastructure Initiatives, eds. B. Kahin and E. Wilson, III, pp. 112-149. The MIT Press.

Sudweeks, F., M. McLaughlin, and S. Rafaeli, eds. 1997. Network and netplay: Virtual groups on the Internet. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Please refer to the TIS Reference Guide for additional examples.

Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines:

  • 300 dpi or higher
  • Sized to fit on journal page
  • EPS, TIFF, or PSD format only
  • Submitted as separate files, not embedded in text

Color illustration will be considered for publication; however, the author will be required to bear the full cost involved in their printing and publication. The charge for the first figure is $900.00. Subsequent figures, totaling no more than 4 text pages, are $450.00 each. Good quality color prints should be provided in their final size. Figures needing reduction or enlargement will be charged an additional 25 percent. The publisher has the right to refuse publication of any prints deemed unacceptable.

Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should not be embedded in the text, but should be included at the end of the paper after the references section. All tables and figures must be discussed or mentioned in the text and numbered in order of mention. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend, and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included. Every table should be fully understandable even without reference to the text. Figures should be completely labeled, taking into account necessary size reduction.

Book Reviews
All book reviews are solicited. If you wish to be placed on the list of potential book reviewers, please send your qualifications and areas of specialty to the book review editor. Please contact Kathryn Clodfelter regarding book reviews.

When your manuscript is accepted for publication


Now there are a few things to take care of before your paper appears in The Information Society:

Permission to Reprint
If any figure, table, or more than a few lines of text from previously published material are included in a manuscript the author must obtain written permission for republication from the copyright holder and forward a copy to the editorial office..

Transfer of Copyright Agreement
Under the copyright law, the transfer of copyright from author to publisher must be explicitly stated to enable the publisher to ensure maximum dissemination of the author’s work. Please fill out the Copyright Release Form, fax one copy to Harmeet Sawhney’s attention at (812) 855-7955.

Page Proofs
All proofs must be corrected and returned to the publisher within 48 hours of receipt. If the manuscript is not returned within the allotted time, the editor will proofread the article and it will be printed per his instruction. Only correction of typographical errors is permitted. The author will be charged for additional alterations to text at the proof stage.

Each author of the article will receive a complete copy of the issue in which the article appears, up to a total of 3 copies per article. The corresponding author is responsible for distribution of copies to coauthors. Offprints of an individual article may be ordered from Taylor & Francis. Use the offprint order form included with page proofs.

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