Analytics: Sensemaking, Performance, Prediction

junio 29, 2012

vía Analytics: Sensemaking, Performance, Prediction.

A beginners tutorial on Social Network Analysis – (Part 1) »

junio 28, 2012

A beginners tutorial on Social Network Analysis – (Part 1)

by NIHARJYOTI SARANGI posted on MARCH 4, 2012

Social Network Analysis refers to the methods used for analyzing social networks or interconnections among individuals. The individuals are taken as “nodes” and are connected to each other based on their interconnections, which may be of various types (friendship, co-authorship, kinship, sexual relations, financial exchange, common interest etc.) SNA uses various techniques from Graph Theory, Game Theory and several other to study, explain and predict the network.

Tools Used for this tutorial: networkX

Programming Language: Python

Getting the tools:

NetworkX is a Python-based package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. If you are on a linux distribution like Ubuntu chances are it will be in your package manager. Otherwise, you can download and install the binary or even compile it from source from here.

Matplotlib is a set of plotting tools for python. You can download and install it from a package manager of your choice, or install it from source. This can take care of advanced 2D plotting for python. We will use this to plot our network.

vía A beginners tutorial on Social Network Analysis – (Part 1) » The Super User.


Herramientas: Python / NetworkX / Matplotlib

Extracción de datos 1

junio 28, 2012

Sobre el tema de la extracción de datos en la web realizaré varios posts donde gestione la información sobre las actividades realizadas.
  • Herramientas de gestión de contenidos. Bookmarklet / Blog. Visualkm / Youtube. luisyepez13 /
  • Herramientas para la extracción y análisis: Python / RubyGems / networkX/ y otros

Datamining Twitter: Part 1 Creating a Database – Twitter Research.

Datamining Twitter

posted May 13, 2010 1:42 PM by Thomas Plotkowiak   [ updated Mar 2, 2012 7:11 AM ]

In this short tutorial you will learn how to collect tweets using ruby and only two gems.
It is part of a series where I will show you what fantastic things you can do with twitter these days, if you love mining data :)The first gem I would like to introduce is sequel. It is a lightweight ORM layer that allows to to intterface a couple of of a databases in ruby without pain. It works great with mysql or sqlite. We will use sqlite today.I have been using mysql in combination wit rails and the nice activerecord ORM, but for the most tasks it is a bit too bulky. The problem with Sqlite can be though that it does not provide multitasking capabilities. But we will bump into that later…

To get you started have a visit on and have a look on the example. They are pretty straight forward. I can also recommend the cheatsheet under:

Herramientas: SEQUEL – Rubyforce

Socioinformatique des controverses | Socio-informatique et argumentation

noviembre 22, 2010

Socioinformatique des controverses

Date 2 novembre 2010


Francis Chateauraynaud, directeur d’études à l’EHESS

Josquin Debaz, chercheur au GSPR (EHESS)

Patrick Trabal, professeur à l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

Du 8 novembre 2010 au 27 juin 2011, 2e et 4e lundis du mois de 15 à 18h

au 105 bd Raspail à Paris, salle 2

Conçu comme un lieu de croisement d’expériences de traitement de corpus de textes ou d’entretiens, le séminaire fonctionnera à la fois comme un lieu d’apprentissage à la construction individuelle d’une enquête socioinformatique, et comme un atelier collaboratif organisé dans l’esprit des digital humanities. S’il est orienté principalement, mais pas exclusivement, vers l’analyse sociologique des affaires et des controverses de longue durée, le séminaire pourra être l’occasion de proposer des formes originales de corpus. Chaque séance procédera en deux temps : la première partie (1 h 30) donnera lieu à l’exposé d’une recherche en cours utilisant des outils informatiques (Prospéro, Marlowe, Tirésias, Alceste, Pajek, Réseau-Lu, NVivo, et toutes sortes d’outils du web,…) ; la seconde partie sera consacrée à un travail collectif de construction, d’analyse et de comparaison des corpus de l’ensemble des participants.

Chaque participant au séminaire ayant présenté, en début d’année, un projet de corpus à construire ou à enrichir, on franchira, au fil des séances, les différentes étapes de traitement (indexations, codages, calculs, modélisations, exportations de tableaux et de résultats…). L’accent sera mis sur le choix des outils pertinents en fonction de la nature des investigations poursuivies, de sorte qu’à l’issue du séminaire les membres soient en mesure de produire un compte-rendu d’enquête (sous la forme d’un article, un rapport, un document de travail, ou une annexe méthodologique …) susceptible d’être publié (avec une première présentation dans ce carnet de recherche.

PROGRAMME 2010-2011


  1. Lundi 8 novembre : Francis Chateauraynaud, Josquin Debaz, Patrick Trabal
    Sociologie des controverses, Humanités numériques et Socio-Informatique. Présentation générale.
  2. Lundi 22 novembre : Patrick Trabal
    Points de vue épistémiques et modes de cumulativité des corpus.
  3. Lundi 13 décembre : Josquin Debaz
    Exploration fine des documents : entre herméneutique et structuration conceptuelle.
  4. Lundi 10 janvier 2011 : Francis Chateauraynaud
    De l’usage des formules dans l’analyse argumentative.
  5. Lundi 24 janvier 2011 : Gregory Salle (CNRS-Université Lille I)
    Prospéro derrière les barreaux : analyse de la controverse autour des Établissements pénitentiaires pour mineurs (EPM), 2002-2010
  6. Lundi 28 février : Delphine Loupsans (CEMAGREF Montpellier)
    Les experts du « bon état » dans l’élaboration de la Directive cadre européenne sur l’eau
  7. Lundi 14 mars : Equipe de l’ANR Chimères
    Chimères nano biotechnologiques et post-humanité 1.
  8. Lundi 28 mars : Equipe de l’ANR Chimères
    Chimères nano biotechnologiques et post-humanité 2.
  9. Lundi 11 avril : Patrick Trabal (sous réserve)
    Les forums internet sont-ils des corpus comme les autres ?
  10. Lundi 9 mai : Francis Chateauraynaud, Josquin Debaz, Patrick Trabal
    Social graphs versus semantic networks.
  11. Lundi 23 mai : Eric Guichard (ENSSIB Lyon)
    Cartographies, Internet et technologies d’écriture
    (titre provisoire)

Socioinformatique des controverses | Socio-informatique et argumentation.

Online Ontology Visualisation: RDFa

octubre 5, 2010

jOWL status updateI packaged the latest development version of jOWL into a 0.5 release, available at Google Code. jOWL is an AJAX/javascript extension to jQuery that I am developing. The jOWL library parses and reasons with OWL-DL documents. Supported browsers for this release are Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2 & 3.This release is accompanied by several new and impressive demos in my humble opinion. These make use of the new functionalities that have been incorporated so far. Below are some important highlights.

vía Online Ontology Visualisation: RDFa.


May 19, 2009

RDF Gravity is a tool for visualising RDF/OWL Graphs/ ontologies.

Its main features are:

* Graph Visualization

* Global and Local Filters (enabling specific views on a graph)

* Full text Search

* Generating views from RDQL Queries

* Visualising multiple RDF files

RDF Gravity is implemented by using the JUNG Graph API and Jena semantic web toolkit.


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Amaya Binary Releases

abril 16, 2009

Amaya is intended to be a comprehensive client environment for testing and evaluating new proposals for Web standards and formats. A large part of the intended features of Amaya are implemented in this release, but some of them are not complete yet.

Check out the list of new features.

The Amaya binary distribution is available for PC Linux, Windows (NT, XP, 2000) and Mac OS X. Users having other architectures are expected to compile the Amaya source code.

Release schedule

There are about three Amaya releases a year. Between each major release, we may generate patch releases or snapshots which fix important bugs.

Each time a new release is available, an email is sent to the www-amaya mailing list.

Getting the binary distribution

The binary distribution is available for a set of Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

desdeAmaya Binary Releases.


abril 1, 2009

Welcome to statnet!

Version 2.2 released March 1, 2009

Special Issue of the Journal of Statistical Software with 9 papers on statnet came out May 8, 2008

This website provides information on, background material for and access to the statnet suite of packages for network analysis. Directions for downloading statnet can be found under Installation on the navigation bar to the left. The packages are written for the R statistical computing environment, so it runs on any computing platform that supports R. If you do not already have R installed, you will need to install it via the main R web resource-site, Instructions for installing R can also be found under Installation. – InFlow Social Network Analysis Software for Business, Communities and Government

abril 1, 2009

Software for Social Network Analysis & Organizational Network Analysis

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is an interactive model of your organization, community, or industry worth?

InFlow 3.1 performs network analysis AND network visualization in one integrated product — no passing files back and forth between different programs like other tools. What is mapped in one window is measured in the other window — what you see, is what you measure. InFlow excels at what-if analysis — change the network, get new metrics — just 2 clicks of the mouse. InFlow is designed to work with Microsoft Office and the WWW. You do not need to be an expert in statistics to use InFlow.

InFlow is the only popular SNA/ONA software that has available training and personal mentoring through your first project(s). Experienced consultants teach you both the methodology and practice of SNA/ONA, along with how to use the software.

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Google Visualization API Gallery – Google Visualization API – Google Code

abril 1, 2009

Google Visualization API Gallery

This gallery lists JavaScript visualizations built on the Google Visualization API. Some of these have been written by Google, and some have been written by third parties. Links below point to instructions for and demonstrations of each visualization. (Links to third-party visualizations will take you off the Google site.) To learn how to use JavaScript visualizations, read Using Visualizations.

To see a list of visualization gadgets, see the Google Visualization API Gadget Gallery.

If you have developed your own visualization, we encourage you to submit it to this gallery.

Google Visualization API Gallery – Google Visualization API – Google Code.